This website aims to provide an introduction to the lives and work of Black anthropologists whose contributions have been rediscovered in recent years. Each of these intellectuals has developed antiracist perspectives on foundational subjects in the Humanities as well as on the study of the African continent and the Black diaspora through different styles, methods, and theoretical approaches.

The first edition of the course Black Voices in Anthropology took place in early 2019 at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Brazil. It was initially presented during my term as a substitute Professor. The syllabus was designed to support an Antiracist Letter of Black Undergraduate Students in Social Sciences, in which a Black students' collective demanded the inclusion of at least two Black authors in every syllabus of their undergraduate program. It was the very first syllabus exclusively based on the lives and work of Black anthropologists in the history of the Social Sciences in Brazil.

Since then, I have promoted similar initiatives in partnership with public universities, such as the University of Sao Paulo, the University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony, and the Fluminense Federal University. All of them were delivered as free extension courses, as well as via the Black Voices channel on Youtube, which currently has more than 1500 subscribers and nearly 21 thousand views.

The teaching experience has been complemented by translating texts and works unavailable in Portuguese. The initiative has sparked the creation of other syllabi, events, and studies in several regions and institutions of higher education in Brazil, mainly due to the mobilization of Black student collectives and young Black Professors.

Youtube Channel
Texts and translations
in Portuguese
Zora Hurston and the Black Voices of Social Sciences. Ayé: Revista de Antropologia, 2019
Diaries of an Anthropologist-Griot.
Anthropológicas UFPE, 2019
What white publishers won't print. Zora Neale Hurston, Ayé: Revista de Antropologia, 1950/2019 
Black voices in Anthropology. Advancing Black Intellectualism, University of Minnesota, 2021
Their eyes were watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston. Consultant and Proofreader. Brazilian edition, Record Publishing House, 2021 
Olualê Kossola, by Zora Neale Hurston. Consultant and author of the Introduction to the Brazilian edition, Record Publishing House, 2021